Charles Reed, Pastor
Welcome to the website of First Assembly of God in Saint Jo, Texas. Saint Jo is in the heart of the North Texas Hill Country. The oldest town in Montague County, Saint Jo is home to a thousand friendly people who all enjoy the relaxed lifestyle, unique downtown square, surrounding scenic beauty and a colorful community history. First Assembly of God is a proud member of this community. Our desire is to be a blessing to our community and to those who may come our way.
Are you searching for answers to life, needing a place to grow in your faith or just looking to meet new friends? We understand where you are coming from. Each of us has been there and want to include you. First Assembly of God is made up of ordinary people like you who are experiencing God in their lives. You won't find a lot of hype around here - just a lot of good people loving God and loving people. Why not pay us a visit some time? You'll be glad you did!
About Our Church
In 1937, the Lord laid it upon the heart of Rev. John Nothaf to move to Saint Jo, Texas and start a Pentecostal work. God blessed his obedience and First Assembly of God became a strong church that reached out to the community and area.
God has continued to bless First Assembly of God through the years. In 1966, with Rev. Clyde Bell as pastor and Rev Garry Smith as evangelist, a great revival that lasted six weeks shook the church and area with numerous conversions.
First Assembly has sent numerous ministers around the world to reach the lost. Our desire is to continue to be what God has called us to be!
What We Believe
(Our 4 Core Beliefs)
The tithes and donations you make to First Assembly of God of Saint Jo, Texas make a difference to our church and our community.
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9).